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PubMatic: Virtual PubAcademy: Foresight in 2021


This past year has significantly altered what "business as usual" looks like. In this PubAcademy, we will examine the trends that were accelerated in 2020 and the subsequent impacts to the media landscape for the year ahead.

Tune in for the opportunity to hear from leading voices in our industry as they discuss their priorities and predictions for 2021.

Speakers include:

  • Emma Newman, CRO EMEA at PubMatic

  • Daniel Knapp, Chief Economist at IAB Europe

  • Fritz Heymann, Head of Business Development at BCN

  • Zara Erismann, MD Publisher Europe at LiveRamp

  • Jenny Hubbard, Head of Programmatic and Paid Social

  • Nils Kroon, Digital Media Consultant at iProspect

  • Paola Colombo, GM Adtech & Business Development at Publitalia

  • Kare Stenild, Head of Product at Semasio


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